0.2 - Sound Effects

Feedwater version 0.2 introduces sound effects! No longer is the game deathly silent. Sound effects include:

  • Footsteps
  • Cinematic level intro/outro
  • Arrows being fired and destroyed on impact
  • Dynamite exploding (still no explosion animation - it's coming!)
  • Boulder (I've not yet come up with a better name for the "blue balls") rolling, collisions, and destruction
  • Crate destruction
  • Spike destruction
  • Conveyor belt hum
  • Doors powering up and down when buttons pressed
  • Death
  • Picking up the secret item in Level 3

Some improvements I'd like to make on the sounds in future iterations:

  • Create a "soundscape" of background sounds - probably machinery, echoing, haunting sounds to create an atmosphere
  • Play a whooshing sound when the player rides the conveyor belts
  • Balance the sound of the Geiger counter with the other sounds - it's drowning them out a bit too much


prototype-2.zip Play in browser
Dec 18, 2022

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